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                公司简介| 产品展示| 人才招聘| 公司动态| 营业执照| 企业文化| 客户留言| 联系方式
                公司简介 | 产品展示 | 供求商机 | 人才招聘 | 公司动态 |  营业执照  |  企业文化  |  自动喷涂,  |  客户留言 | 联系方式
                · 皮革油边红外线烘干设备
                · 圣诞球自动◆淋油烘干设备
                · 涂装设备
                · 水转印设备
                · 斜坡线
                · 净化、设备
                · 无尘车间、设备、工程
                · 电子设备
                · 流水线
                · 不锈钢制品系列
                · 烘烤设备,烤箱


                • 详情说明

                           work Scope of:1700mm*850mm
                            喷水性 胶,黄胶,白胶等
                   Purposes: the footwear, luggage, leather, handbags, gift packaging
                            industry and other industries, the Omo material lamination,
                            spray adhesives,Yellow glue, white glue, etc.
                Save the glue and artificial: Automatic glue machine control system to the use
                                           of stable, so that the spraying efficiency through
                                           uniformity, fast spraying process,  improve product
                                           quality, improve production efficiency and product 
                                           qualification rate of 99%, compared to the artificial eraser (save glue 30 % -40%), which can save a staff of 5-8 people.
                    Easy to operate: Manual, foot and automatic control system on the touch
                                    screen can be set arbitrarily rule graphical
                 Environmentally friendly:The machine has a suction filtration system, odor and
                                        excess glue spray suction filtration, standby sealed 
                                         to prevent the glue volatile
                 东莞市常荣(常隆)喷涂机械有限公〗司 全国顾客服务中心』:0769-83821296/83911675/26640528  传真:0769-83821296/83821259  访问量:
                东莞市常荣(常隆)喷涂机械有限公司 版权所有@ Copyright 2008 地 址: 广东省东莞市常平镇田尾村   网站管理
                 【粤ICP备17114015号】 百度统计